Instatraction cross


Our Canadian made products are used by truckers, farmers, emergency responders, and anyone else that drives a vehicle. Instatraction products are used by everyone from commuter drivers wanting to stay safe on the roads, to companies with large networks of trucks where towing costs and loss of time can have a major impact on a their profit margins.

  • 2x Big Grippers, ideal for Semi Trucks

    $189.00 Add to cart
  • 2x Big Grippers with long straps
    $199.00 Add to cart
  • 4x chains, ideal for Semi Trucks
    $159.00 Add to cart
  • 2x Big Grippers, ideal for Trucks and SUVs
    $179.00 Add to cart
  • 2x Lil Grippers, ideal for Cars and ATVs
    $129.00 Add to cart
  • Replacement strap and ratchet for the Lil' Gripper
    $43.87 Add to cart
  • Replacement strap
    $66.18 Add to cart
  • Replacement strap and ratchet
    $66.18 Add to cart

Extreme Traction in Emergency Situations

We are a family owned, Canadian company that has patented, designed and manufactured our innovative traction devices, such as the Big and Lil Gripper, and the Get Go Tire Chain.

We carry a line of truck claws for semi-trucks, half tons, SUV’s and cars. Save on the towing bill and get back on the road with Instatraction products.  Get out of a jam when stuck in snow, ice or mud.

Customer Reviews

  • I purchased 2 boxes of get-go tire chains approximately one month ago and I have used them twice this fall to get myself moving forward. I haul LCV and Rockies and going forward is the only option that I have to move once the tires spin on ice. My purchase of 8 chains have more than paid for them selves in 2 uses to move forward after breaking traction on ice. Awesome product

    Glen Ward

  • I purchased a set of big and lil grippers for my 3/4 ton Ram 2500 6.7 diesel 4×4. I Operate oil wells in southeast Saskatchewan, after a snow storm it can be a real challenge to get around the lease roads. My grippers get used very frequently I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve had them on and they’re still going. When the truck stops moving in 4 high I switch to 4 low throw the grippers on. They have saved me countless hours of shovelling or waiting for help, and way better than beating on your truck trying to move every 5 minutes while you wait impatiently for help to arrive.

    Chris R

  • Get Un-Stuck!

    5 star

    Style: Car / Small SUV / ATV

    I bought two sets of the Lil’ Grippers. I had been looking for something like this to keep in our cars but didn’t want those big traction tracks. These are compact and easy to store when they are needed. They are very solid and heavy-duty. Get yourself some today!


  • Well made

    5 star

    Style: Car / Small SUV / ATV

    Well made good solid quality !


  • Extra grip

    5 star

    Style: Semi / Tractor Trailers

    Purchased it for our company delivery 5-ton truck. Super handy and durable.

    Amazon Customer

  • They Work!

    5 star

    Style: Semi / Tractor Trailers

    Hands down the best tool for getting your semi truck unstuck… Such a simple concept but amazing.
    Heavy duty metal!

    Ricki Porter

  • High quality

    5 star

    Style: Car / Small SUV / ATV

    I love the Grippers. I have not had a chance to use them. But they are quite heavy duty. Instructions seem easy to follow as well. A perfect addition to my car emergency kit.


  • Could save your life

    5 star

    Style: Car / Small SUV / ATV

    I live in sub zero Manitoba, this product pulled me out of two feet of snow in a desperate situation. I was amazed at how effective it was to slowly enable my pickup to pull itself out in an impossible situation. Great product, affordable luxury.


  • They are big and heavy!

    5 star

    Style: Semi / Tractor Trailers

    Haven’t used this product yet, bought it for getting out from under trailers in our yard in the winter. Gets slick at times at night and when by yourself they should come in handy

    Darrin McMeekin